A Baby's First Picnic

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A Baby's First Picnic
Level: 23, 24
Difficulty: Moderate
Flags: ?
Zones: The Hidden City of E'nat'dae
Total Time: 2 hours, 30 minutes


To find a crawling baby boy (30 minutes)

In E'nat'dae. From recall, go 3E, S.

To give a child's leather shoes to a crawling baby boy (1 hour)

Shoes are located inside a musty chest in the warehouse in Esacha Fen. From entrance to the fen, go all N, W, all N, W, N, W, all N, E, N, E, 2N, W, 4N, 2E. Open chest, get shoes chest.

To give a large white bib with a picture of a man on the platter to a crawling baby boy (1 hour)

In Crystal Lake on a cranky crustacean. From @, go N, all W, 5N, 2E, D.