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Designer: Corax
Rooms: 280
Re-Pop Time: 1 hour
Designer: {{{Exploration Designer}}}
XP: {{{Exploration XP}}}
Suggested Level: {{{Exploration Level}}}

Initial Notes

Unlike most zones, Sevoseth has a few areas in it that aren't needed to run the actual zone; I will cover both in this walkthrough.

All tweaks listed in this zone are considered "good" tweaks. Not elite or freak.

A word about re-pop times: Sevoseth has a 60 minute re-pop time and thus it can be tricky to coordinate. All mobs repop and all doors re-lock. This is most inconvenient in the final tomb. If you know the re-pop time, it is best to have all initial keys gathered before the re-pop, let the re-pop hit, then run the entire zone up to the "tbar" (final tomb key). Get form inside the final tomb, ice the blocker mob, and spend the time before the next re-pop weakening the 4 cornerstone mobs in tomb. Do NOT kill them, as they will simply re-pop when the zone re-pops. They must be killed before you engage Asten, or he will proc and summon them all to his room!

Also make sure you do not flee into the blocker mob in initial room on re-pop as it is a marvelous way to self-bank.

What to bring (note this is optional and only speeds up run): 3+ acid hammers, 2x sight staves

Nameless beast name is KRUOHDYHUG


The following equipment is locateable (ie does not load invisible):

  • Eye of eagle - 4hr/3dr notweak use head cures blind head
  • Gloves of black demon fur - 50mana, +5% dispel magic prof, +manacost too. gloves
  • Star of awakening - 60hp hold
  • a dark band of rustling demon feathers - 2hp/55mana wrist
  • Swordbreaker - 5hr/-4ss wield
  • Armor - 4hr/40mana body
  • Sparks - 65 mana hold
  • Paws - 5hr/20hp feet
  • Muricate gauntlets - 4dr/20hp (higher base then apsu claws) hands
  • Muricate boots - 4dr/20hp feet
  • Sighting shield - 6hr/3dr shield
  • Quasetium (wrong name but close) gloves - 5hr/3dr hands

The following equipment loads invisible (must be scried):

  • Fetters of delusion - 40hp/-1dex base (scry 18.demon for this - should be something like "demon of towering darkness")

Directions to Zone

Fly Sevoseth, walk 2S, fly N 1, dismount, E, E, N, recall


Pass: Loads hidden in corpses of spys, they load around Sevoseth town, one loads 3W from recall, and another at the lightside temple get, 3w 2n w from recall. Ice spy, search corpse, get pass corpse.

Lantern and Circle: Lantern allows you to run through the paralyzation CPK room without being... paralyzed. Note: this is just 1 room but its very important. Circle is a key that you search with in the paralyze room. They both load on Hadass in paralyze CPK. From recall: N, open doors N, N, E (this room is a safe room!), N, c eth W.

Note: all doors here are pickable. C eth W, c eth S, is an LPK room that you can phase/summon to. This is very handy seeing as a lot of the keys are slippery and you need to phase someone in the LPK room to get them through the safe room.

>From the safe room, n e s w.   Down is the mob fistmele in cpk. It is like a warhorse, it has 400hp and ices you in one hit if it hits you. Do not let it ice you :p. 

Down, backstab fistmele or mal it dead. get key corpse, unlock door, open door, south, pull journal.

This opens a secret entrance south, the room directly 1 south is paralyze. 

The way paralyze works: Everytime you type a command in the room, it has a % chance of going through. I see the breakdown as this:

50% - Command goes through - if this is failed, you are paralyzed.

If command goes through: 50% being paralyzed AFTER command goes through, 50% chance of not being paralyzed.

The paralyze itself lasts roughly 10 rounds.

So, mathematically, every 10 rounds you have a 25% chance off having a COMPLETELY successful command. You have a 50% chance of getting the command off, but then you will be paralyzed for another 10 rounds. 

The paralyzation cpk looks like this:

P is the paralyze room, R is an adjacent room.
R - P - R

While you cannot see any exits in the paralyze room, west south east and up are valid exits.

Going back to the lantern/circle keys, the mob hadass loads in the paralyze room wanders to the 4 adjacent rooms.

HOW TO ICE Hadass: Hadhass is a very weak lvl 25 !melee mage mob. I generally go to the room 1north of paralyze (which is in turn 1south of already dead fistmele), and type south/c shield room fast. 

One of four things then happens: 

(1) The shield room does not go off and Hadass was in the room. 
 - Very bad. If you see the white text message something about "draining your strength" that means you have been re-paralyzed and must wait another 10 rounds. Put in a -- then a flee. If you flee to a room besides where you came from, resanc, wait for hadass to follow, dispel and ice it. If you get paralyzed a few times and your hp drops to low, put -- and c w. I suggest putting in a recall if you fall below 400hp. Note: Although you may flee without the hps to ice hadass, he will still lure to  the room you fled to, and if you come back and hit the shield room you can move into the new room and ice. Remember to remember which direction you fled :#.

(2) The shield room does go off and Hadass was in the room.
 - Same thing as above, except a bit easier - if you have to recall and you have lured Hadass, you know he wont re-lure to the middle.

(3) Shield room does not go off, but Hadass elsewhere.
 - Get the room shielded ASAP then proceed with (4).

(4) Shield room goes off, Hadass elsewhere. 
 - This of course, is the best. Move yourself west, then back east, south, then back north, east, then back west, up, then back down until you find Hadass. The reason you move and not farsight is because you have an opportunity to resanc before you re-enter paralyze. Yes, it can take that long that your sanc would tick off. 

Once Hadass is dead: get all - lantern, circle, key.

Hold lantern! this makes you immune to paralyze. go to room 1n off paralyze (1s of dead fistmele), unlock doors, open doors, east, open compartment, get all compartment. 

In the compartment, if it loaded, is Fist of the West Wind, 5dr/-1ss max, gwar hands/wield. If used as a weapon it procs hands of wind.

With your circle and lantern, rehold your original light and recall.

Once you have pass, circle, and lantern it is time to form up.


3west all north 2east north all west search south south west. These directions take you to a room with 3 cleric mobs and 1 boss cleric mob "captain", and more if they wandered in. 

Take form in, shield the room, acid blast to engage and target captain. dispel, plague, ice captain. When captain dies trans immediately - its key is slippery and boomerangs to someone in the form. 

Resneak same directions back to blacksmith (3west all n e e n all w s). Now, s e e s s unlock doors open doors w s w w n.

You are now inside the western or light temple. The door east is locked. Ice any mobs in it and trap the room. Now, two priestesses load inside the temple. One has a key. 

The priestesses are low level cleric mobs that dispel plague and die easily. Obviously, just ice the one with the key. Note there is a hidden room s e e n w w from where the locked door is you trapped.

Take the priestess key back to the locked door, and get full. 

Now is the time to get your 3 frontline tanks wielding the acid hammers you brought along - do not forget to get them back at the end of the run! 

Unlock the door east, open it, and get the entire form spamming mass refresh. Quickly go east;up;up;up;up. At the top of this staircase, if you make it, shield room. Tremor out any other mobs in the room besides the golem.

If you do NOT MAKE it all the way up the staircase, quickly tremor out all the mobs and go back up. It is VERY easy to die on the staircase - I suggest you trans the form and try again. 

At the top, once the other mobs are tremored out, dispel the golem, plague it, and ice it. If your front tanks are wielding acid hammers they will high hmaim-vrend with every hit, keep them healed as the golem is perma fireshield.

When the golem dies can stop using acid hammers, if you are unsure of the repop time move north, ice room, shield room, and tick. If you are sure golem wont repop, just shield room and tick there.

Celindra: Formlock set; you will probably be handsed while luring! Celindra loads n w n w, or n e n e from the dead Golem. This area has no visible exits except in celindra room and rooms boardering it. I suggest you wander it the first time you are there and learn it thoroughly, as it can be tough at first.

Shield Celindra's room and lure the guardians out one at a time. When you flee from celindra room, sneak and south. Every single room adjacent to Celindra's has a south exit, so this is a sure way of not being hit.

Once celindra room is clear, go back to form and take them to celindra. Have tanks trip, plague and ice it. Fairly standard. In the event of dispel emergency suggest you flee sneak south, get back to Celindra room and just stay unengaged sancing people. 

Loot celindra.

- Armor 4hr/40mana body
- Sparks 65 mana hold
- Scroll lvl 35 flamestrike 2x

I think this is all she loads, anything else is junk.

Celindra loads a slippery key, make sure the person who gets it drops symbol and you get it.

Once you have symbol and eq trans.

3east north north.

Remember the pass you got off the spy? It is the key to get into the dark temple. Hold pass, and 2east (pass crumbles) south all east, shield room, dispel and ice captain. 

Unlike light side, darkside temple is a bit harder. You cannot trans and idly walk back in because there are a limited number of passes. If you do need extra passes, do the spy at lightside gate, and sometimes 4 spies load 1north of blacksmith (3w all n 2e n all w from recall).

Once captain is dead, get whoever has the slippery key to drop and you get it. Do not tick yet, sneak up, 3west north unlock door open door e s e e n ice all mobs and trap room. 

Now find the darkside priest with the key (two priest's load, like the priestesses on the lightside), lure to traps and ice it. Easier then the lightside mob.

Get full now, rewield acid hammers. This staircase is twin to the one on lightside, so unlock door and spam mass refresh! HOWEVER, if you get caught on staircase just trans and find another pass. You will die, the rooms drain your mana/movement and the mobs CANNOT BE TREMORED OUT. 

So, at the top of the staircase, shield room, dispel the golem, target golem, dispel eyeball(s), and acid blast until everything dies. Can remove acid hammers!

Now area north of this golem is identical to Celindra area. Same applies apply with ticking to - make sure you know repop times so golem doesnt surprise you. 

Shield the room 1north of golem, wander rooms, 'con kruohdyhug' to find the beast. I suggest you set it up so it is alone in a shielded room, and the rooms adjacent to it are shielded and mobless. This is so you can flee and tick if you have to, but really no reason you should have to. 

NOTE: If shield rooms fall while you are icing it, it will flee to adjacent room when it hits ooze or so. Careful you dont just follow and engage it can flee to staircase. Reshield around it then ice. 

Anyway lure it up, engage, dispel kruohdyhug, plague, ice. Dispel/Plague by yourself -  do not tell formies this keyword or distribute this walkthrough. Also, the mob procs mass blind. If you brought sight staves it makes the proc on it virtually useless. If blind, acid blast.

Beast dies, loot it, search corpse, loot what you find. Get whoever has the symbol to drop it, and get symbol. You should now have TWO symbols.

Paws - 5hr/20hp feet
Talon - I dunno its some total junk stabber 3dr/20hp or something wield
Stench - 35hp waist
Evil (or head or whatever) - 5hr/25hp I guess, unfortunately ethief only so horns own it head
Rite - Scroll, lvl 35 energy drain

Take form to central room with 4 exits shield it and ice mobs.

Be careful zone does not repop while you are doing this 2key step or you will selfbank.

Hold dark symbol, search
hold light symbol, search
down, yes for cpk, all north c shield room

Normally this room has no mobs in it. If it has mobs, just look around for a nearby room in that section with no mobs, shield it. 

Get a few competent members of your form to join you in cpk. Need 2-3 to get one key.

The key "tbar" loads on the ground in the room, from the room d all north in cpk, w n e n n w. This room drains mana/movement from you, do not linger there. If a mob picked up the tbar (it is not on the ground), which happens 95% of the time, look around at the mobs in that room and adjacent. Three different mobs could have the tbar: spider, demon, or stone.

I suggest you lure the key mob to the room south of the draining room, or west, or south west. The room east of the draining room is cramped, so you can lure it there if no other mobs are there already.

This can be a very tricky process but gets easier with practice. 

NOTE: from the drain room, s w n n w is a ONEWAY exit to a DIFFERENT part of the zone - DO NOT go there.

Ice the mob with the tbar, and it boomerangs to whoever got killing blow. Make sure you have the key secure, then recall with everyone.

SIDE NOTE: There are many closed "cracks" that load random treasure (1500 gold to 486k) in this area and the area under the library (where you are going next). The key for them loads on Benghal; from recall 3e 3-4north west, open doors, north e n n in tavern. Hands dispel plague ice benghal, loot pickaxe (key). This can be quite profitable if you run a combined treasure/fist run. It takes about 10 minues to ice Benghal and Hadass - or less, and you can get 1mil treasure and max fist if lucky.


You should now have lantern, circle, and tbar.

Bring form to cpk above fistmele - you will not be able to take the keys through safe room, so either drop the keys and have someone get them then summon them to privy (lpk), or get someone to go to lpk then everyone phase.

>From above fistmele, instruct form not to type any commands once in cpk until you say, down, (holding lantern!) south south into paralyze, wear circle, search until down opens, down, wear normal wrist item, hold normal light, and tell form they can do commands.

SIDE NOTE: There are also north and south exits from here. If you follow the paths, north leads to an icy section with a blocker that blocks the exit back south. South leads to a firey section with a blocker that blocks back north. 

The north mob, standardly loads as 18.demon on sevoseth reset, loads fetters of delusion (base 40hp/-1dex emage boots or legs) This is the only mob in sevoseth you have to scry. I normally do not do this on a run. North mob also loads a key.

The south mob only loads a key. Down from north mob, and down from south mob lead to locked containers (crucible). The key from the OPPOSITE mob unlocks each container. Each crucible loads a HUGE cpk scroll.

North scroll is lvl 45 flamestrike 2x, south scroll is lvl 45 energy drain!
A note on lvl 45 energy drain: They get no save and it drains 250 mana or so.. wow!


Once you go in library, ice fistmele, ice hadass (see above), head north to the ice blocker area described directly above.


Map of north blocker area:

SI - CR  C - SI

|            |

towering demon blocks this south

Map Key:
C    - Cramped room
CR   - Cramped regen room
SI   - Slippery Ice Room
SIBF - Slippery Ice Blocker room (mob with fetters)

0. Shield and clear CR, this is your "safe" room. 
1. Shield SBF, lure all mobs but blocker out. I suggest luring them east of there.
2. Dispel towering, plague towering, ice towering. 
3. Loot Fetters and Fiery stone (key).
4. Head south to other blocking fire demon, go down from it, unlock/open crucible, get cpk scroll crucible.


Now orb up, west, unlock slab, open slab, west, engage the blocker mob Thur. Thur is short for some crazy name I forget. Thur's room drains movement/mana, so dispel him and ice this lvl 35ish warrior before he drains all your mana and kills your form.

NOTE THIS PART IS REPOP-TIME CRITICAL - ANY mobs you ice here you will need to stay dead before killing asten, if the zone repops mid-asten and it procs you are screwed. Not to mention the blocker would repop and you would flee into a drain blocker room and probably die.

So.... if repop is > 22 mins or so (depending upon form power), proceed normally. If repop is soon, ice blocker, and I suggest icing the southwest and northwest mobs to pales (first them then the others if you want), then waiting repop time out. As stated at the top of the walkthru, do not let repop catch you on the NE or SE ghost as you can flee into Thur!

Once thur is dead, unform and south west tick. Do not hit the mob south. The rooms inbetween the ghosts are cramped, as can be seen in layout below

G - ghost 
+ - cramped room
A - Asten
T - Thur

G   +   G
+   A - T
G   +   G

NOTE: All ghosts take next to no melee damage, just pound until they die. No dispel/plague/poison as well.
NOTE: All ghosts also take huge procs and damage from HOLY items. If entire form wields staff of seven, it goes very fast.

Send a formie in to tank the southeast ghost, then quickly follow and have form refol, and ice ghost. Southeast ghost, Point,  is a mage mob.

Once dead, loot tick. When full entire form 2 west through cramped and ice ghost Shaft. Huge melee mob.

Once dead, loot tick. Entire form 2 north ice Fletching. Huge melee mob.

Once dead, loot tick. Entire form 2 east ice Nock. Huge melee mob.

I dont remember which mobs which eq loads on (well not entirely sure), but here is a list of ghost eq:

Muricate gauntlets - 4dr/20hp (higher base then apsu claws) hands
Muricate boots - 4dr/20hp feet
Sighting shield - 6hr/3dr shield
Quasetium(wrong name but close) gloves - 5hr/3dr hands

Once all mobs dead take form to northeast corner (should be there if followed WT), go south solo and shout 
"I come in peace".  This will open asten room west. Orb form, south west engage asten. Huge mage mob. Generally 1pass it to 40% then go back and ice. No procs if you iced the cornerstone ghosts. Quite easy really.

Eq list:
Eye of eagle - 4hr/3dr notweak use head cures blind head
Gloves of black demon fur - 50mana, +5% dispel magic prof, +manacost too.  gloves
Star of awakening - 60hp hold
a dark band of rustling demon feathers - 2hp/55mana wrist
Swordbreaker - 5hr/-4ss wield

To use asten key: Recall, 3e, 3-4n to tavern street, 2w, open door(s) s, s w hold key s, you just walked through south wall. get all cabinet, recall. 1.6mil treasure and Arcus of asten nmage bow

Assembling arrows from arrowheads:
- spirits around asten have arrowheads
- hollow arrow shaft from alendora (or is it wittermark?)
- tuft from vondarkla
- assemble at archery shop in sevoseth

an arrowhead with the mark of Shock - no arrow uses this

  an arrowhead with the mark of Fury
  Point's arrow of accuracy - Lev(26) Loc(None) 5d8  noegg nodrop fragile hr(40) Cond(pristine - 882 Days)

  an arrowhead with the mark of Pity
  Asten's arrow of undeath's bane - Lev(27) Loc(None) 6d6  noegg nodrop fragile holy hr(3) dr(3) Cond(pristine - 999 Days)
  plagues undead, procs fairly frequently, when it procs the mob still has to fail a save to be plagued

  an arrowhead with the mark of Despair
  Fletching's arrow of expedience - Lev(26) Loc(None) 6d7  noegg fragile dr(12) Cond(pristine - 999 Days)
  best damage arrow in game aside from qzone ice arrow

  an arrowhead with the mark of Sorrow 
  Nock's arrow of mirth - Lev(26) Loc(None) 6d5  noegg fragile dr(3) Cond(pristine - 999 Days)
  proc: Wisps of energy flow from Famar, the town crier to Spiritic. heals you like 40hp, procs pretty often

  an arrowhead with the mark of Horror
  Shaft's arrow of silence - Lev(26) Loc(None) 5d5  noegg nodrop fragile hr(5) Cond(pristine - 869 Days)
  proc muffle: Spiritic's arrow lands a direct hit in Famar, the town crier's neck!, mob still has to fail save to get muffled

the arcus of Asten - Lev(31) Loc(wield) 2H 6d6 missile by 3.0 AG AE nodrop mana(14) hr(6) SKL/SPL: archery (success +6%) Cond(pristine - Infinity Days)