Fortress of Elnissa

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This is a great run for new heros. Best to solo it, and earns clan 20-40 EQ rank points. Many of the non-boss mobs, and some of the boss mobs here are very aggro, and many can see you even if you are invisible and sneaking, but you can run past a lot of them once you know the zone. All the mobs (even the bosses) can be dispelled and plauged. The completionist walkthrough below gets you the explore (note the last objective requires a zone repop [stupid!!!]) and the eq!

Special Thanks to Aedonelaeusfor helping me figure out that the last explore objective requires a zone repop, and to Bazyli for finding the apprentice's dagger.


 an exquisite jade statuette.
 a bag filled with precious gems
 a delicate jewelled box
 a large sack of gold bars
 the gryphon's hoard

Our Completionist Walkthrough

Fly Elnissa, fly n 5 e 1, walk s to the mountains then fly s 1, and you'll bypass the maze to the zone entrance.

From landing: fly n 5, walk 5 e and 3 s. Fly s 1. Or walk through the maze if you like wasting time.

Pull the lever to open the doors to the fort (explore objective 'Gain entry to the fortress')

From the West @, North, w, 3n, search, e, 2u, 2s, e, pull lever.

Kill the 6 sinister cat-men on the catwalk around the lever for the explore objective, 'Stop the spear throwers'

Walk back outside ( w, 2n, 2d, w, 3s, 2e, s) to the middle @ at the front.

Get the door key from the wagon

From the middle @: North, e, get key wagon


 Get the coat (a long, fur-lined coat) from Demesne - will need it later in zone.
 From the wagon: 2w, n, kill for coat.


 From Demesne: e, unl/open door n, n, w
 Key on the ground. When you pick it up, Komarin rushes into the room, and you can't leave till you kill him.
 Kill Komarin for his key and eq
   a shortsword covered with a frosty sheen - Lev(19) Loc(wield) AC 6d7 NoBits Cond(pristine - 185 Days
 In the Komarin room, kill the 'frost warrior' that has the key - this mob wanders, but will be near the Komarin room. (mob does wander). 'a sharp bronze key, with the head of a wolf'
 Komarin's treasure (30k)
 after killing/looting komarin, from the guardroom above where Komain rushes in when you pick up the key,

e, s, w, unl/open/get all strongbox.

Sack of gold (300k)

from the middle @ of zone, all n, w, 1n, 1n (hidden), get head.

s, e, all s, u, 2n, open door e, e, hold head, use head, e, get sack (weights 150 stones).

Map case & sanc goblet (aq items)

 after killing/looting komarin, from the guardroom above where Komain rushes in when you pick up the key,
 E, n, search, all d, s, o door w, w, kill Gorland for the map case and key. open case and get map from case
 One of Gorland's keys (fortress master key) opens the Tactical Room that's north of the library. The goblet loads in there.
 get to tactical room - from Gorland: e, n, u, w, n, e, s, s, unl/open door e, e

Dust Covered Key

 from tactical room: w, s, open door w, 2w, s, 2w, get key.


 from dust covered key room: 2e, n, 2e, s, u, n, search until hidden west appears, w, unl/open door w.
 from door: 3w to Domanjian.
 Kill Domanjian for hammer, skirt, and prybar (key).
    Domanjian's hammer of Precision - Lev(20) Loc(wield) AM AT 11d3 NoBits dr(2) hr(5) Cond(pristine - 185 Days)
 He'll summon elementals if you let him live too long.
 The 3w to Domanjian includes cramped rooms.

Apprentice's Dagger

 From: Domanjian: all e, 1n, all w, seach (for hidden west), w, get dagger
   a small mage's dagger - Lev(16) Loc(wield) AC AT AW 5d5 NoBits mana(36) ss(-1) Cond(pristine - 185 Days)


 From Domanjian: 4e, s, d, 4n, unl/open door e, e, s, w.
 She's not aggro, so s r in here and kill any other mobs in room before engaging.
 Kill Jennimira for key, halberd, and helm.
   a diamond-tipped halberd - Lev(21) Loc(wield) AM AC 2H LNG 7d6 AG dr(3) armor(-10) Cond(pristine -185 Days)
   an ornate helm, inscribed with runic scrollwork - Lev(20) Loc(head) AM AC AT AC-ap(7) NoBits dr(4) mana(-18) Cond(pristine - 185 Days)


 From Jennimira: w, 3u, hold bar, use bar (trapdoor opens, and bar breaks).
 Go up through the trapdoor into room with Durness and birds.
 He's not aggro, so kill don't room spell/attack, and kill the birds first.
 Kill Durness for key, jezzail, and sphere.
   a snow hawk's talon - Lev(16) Loc(wield) AC DAG BSER 5d5 AG dr(1) hr(0) Cond(pristine - 185 Days

Get Ladder

 From Durness: w, unl/open chest, g a chest, e

Make Mosocula Appear

 From Durness: 4d, 2e, n, w, s, open door w, search for hidden west exit, w, all s, all e, 3n, look holes
 you'll see, "Peering through the holes, you see the inside of what appears to be a large library. Suddenly, you see a cloud of smoke, and an old man appears in the library."


 From holes at Between the Walls: all s, all w, all n, 2e, 2s, open door e, e (into Library), n, e, n, e, set traps
 s, dispel/plauge/blind Mosocula, then lure into traps and shield room
 Kill Mosocula for key, ring, and robe.

Gold-Plated Bookmark

 From Moscula: w, 3s, e, n
 Kill Animated Book for gold-plated bookmark (key).

Mosocula's Apprentice

 Found wandering the library in which Mosocula and the Animated Book(s) are located.
 Kill apprentice for key and note.

Mage's Vadecum (shelf goblin)

 From Library: w (out of library into hallway), 2n, unl/open door e, e, hold ladder, use ladder, 2u, w, u
 Kill shelf goblin for vadecum (which contains key), belts, ring
 unl/open vad, g a vad (for key)

Scroll of Might, Vial, Potion

 From Mosocula: w, s, w, s, w, s, u, 2n, open door w, 2w, unl/open trapdoor, u, get scroll, vial, potion on ground here.
 Note: scroll only loads on reset.

Jeweled Box

 From Scroll of Might: d, 2e, n, pick/open door w, w, get box.
 Note: members of the queen's guard can be annoying here.

Another Coat ("Break in to the storage closet" objective)

 From where you used the ladder, look around in that room and in the hallway and library for a servant goblin that has the kitchen key.
 Kill the servant goblin for the key.
 From where you used the ladder: 2w, n, search for hidden north exit, n, open box, get all box
 From box: 2s, e, n, w, s, e, unl/open door n, n (cramped), open trunk, g a trunk
 Note: you should also still have Demense's coat from much earlier.


 From trunk of coats: s, w, n, e, all s, u, all n, wear coat, unl/open door n, n, 2w, 2n, e (hidden), g icicle (key), w, s, s, all e, all n, w (hidden exit), shield room, unl/open door w, w (to Lomastian)
 Kill Lomastian for key, shield, talisman, staff
 Note: Can be muffled.


 From Lomastian: 2e, all s (can rem coat now), d, all n, e, s, w, unl/open doors n, all n, 2u, shield room, u (to Elnissa)
 Kill Elnissa for sword, armbands, ring, book, scabbard, tiara, shawl, and key
   a forbidden book of the Black Art - Lev(17) Loc(hold) AG mana(-20) hps(29) Cond(pristine - 185 Days)
   a sapphire-studded chainmail scabbard - Lev(22) Loc(waist) NoBits hps(23) armor(-10) Cond(pristine - 185 Days)
   a skirt of heavy brass ringmail - Lev(21) Loc(legs) AM AC-ap(6) NoBits dr(-4) hps(30) Cond(pristine - 185 Days)

Gryphon's Gold

 From Elnissa: all d, s (to Gryphon)
 Kill Gryphon for 'shard of ice' (key)
 e, search, n (hidden), get all(273643 coins - 'Purloin the castle's treasures')


 From the hidden north room with the mound of coins:
 2s, all w (safe room), north (hidden/portal - takes you to center @ ent to zone), all n, w, n, 2e, s, w (Jennimira room)
 open door s, 2s, 2w, unl/open door n, n (to Kiros)
 Kill Kiros for claws, pelts, medallion
   a pair of large snow leopard claws - Lev(19) Loc(hands) AC-ap(4) NoBits dr(3) hr(1) Cond(pristine - 185 Days)
 open clock, get all clock
 open pillow, get all pillow
 unl door n, n, get boots

Rescue Jerome Montalion

 From Jennimira's room: 2w, open grating w, w, c f p, 2d, 2e, d, s, w, s, pull lever, w (to Jerome)
 You need the 'fortress master key' from Gorland in Step 9 again, which was previously used for a different objective.

On Zone Re-Pop:

 pull the lever in step 2 above to re-gain entry to the fort
 get the key from the wagon in step 3 above
 from wagon: w, n, unl/open door n, n, w, get key (Komarin appears), kill Komarin, and get Komarin's key
 from Komarin: e, n, search (for hidden d), 2d, s, open door w, w (to Gorland), kill Gorland for 'fortress master key'
 from Gorland: e, n, 2u, w, n, e, all s, u, 3n, unl/open door e, e, get statuette (final 'purloin the castle's treasures' explore objective)

a twisted iron ring, with a black gemstone - Lev(21) Loc(fing) NoBits dr(3) hps(5) Cond(pristine -185 Days)