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Max XP: 15,000,000

Suggested Level: 20

Designed by: Elorei

Exploration designer: Celylia

Note: The Chalice of Wytherwind only loads once per restart.

- Seek out Kir's desk

 -From Zone ent "A Roofless Entryway" all s,all w, all s,search,d,d,w,all n, all w to "A Paludal Bedroom", open/get key desk,

- Explore the wine cellar

 - From "A Paludal Bedroom" e,s,all w,n,n,w,search,d,get all,u to "a Storeroom"

- Find a window with an astounding view of the entire castle

 - From "a Storeroom, e,n,e,u,u,open sculpture,w,all n,e,e,all s,u,all n,all w,s,u to "A winding Staircase In the Lofty Northern Tower" get key window

- Bring peace to Marigeld so she may be reunited with Kir

 - From "A winding Staircase In the Lofty Northern Tower" n,unlock/open door,w to "A suite Atop the Northern Tower" kill/loot Marigeld, if she is not in this room go s

- Retrieve the ivory chalice of Wytherwind

 - From above "A suite Atop the Northern Tower, unlock/open/get all box,s,u,hold crowbar,use crowbar,n,unlock/open/get all compartment 

- Kill the enchanter at the end of the cloudy maze

 - From "A winding staircase In the Lofty Northern Tower n,e,e,all s,w,w,s,u,s,e,U,E,3W,S,D to "The Room of Opposites" kill the enchanter

- Locate Ansern, the Master of the Southern Wind

 - From "The Room of Opposites" open portal, d

- Seek out an ancient coin from the keep of Wytherwind

 - ancient coins load on alot of diffent mobs through out Wytherwind.  Cast locate coin if you haven't found one yet.